21 November 2010

Coming up....

Winter is approaching and with that, the lack of decent daylight to photograf cakes and many other interesting creations that i´m doing these days.
Today i´ve been preparing some christmas-cookies with a bunch of beautiful cake-ladies, now i just have to finish the last details and take photo´s of them. An achievement in it self - how to catch daylight, when it is dark in the morning when i go to work and dark in the afternoon when i get home....!

These are from 2007.


  1. Hejsa
    Jeg glæder mig til at se resultatet af dette års christmas-cookies.

  2. I so know the feeling! Just today I was pondering how to get a decent shot of a cake after work when the sun set already at 3 pm and I was still at work...Flashlight just don't do the cakes or cookies any justice.
    Love your blog! Unbelievably beautiful cakes!

  3. Susanne; Godt at høre, jeg er godt igang med flere forskellige typer. Glæder mig til at vise dem frem! :)

    M; Thank you for your nice words! :) No, flashligts are no good. I tried with some spots, but it did´nt work out at all! I might have to make some equipment-investments...
