19 May 2012

Tutorial: JEM Butterflies

I get my fondant workable by adding cornflour and letting it dry a couple of minutes after rolling out, before using the cutter.

More JEM Butterflies here and here


  1. Thank you so much for this tutorial. You know what ? I have had this cutter for 2 years and have never been able to use it properly ! now I know exactly what to do. Thanks again
    Virginie @ thatcutelittlecake.blogspot.com

  2. Such a great tutorial!! You have so much patience working with Jem cutters!

  3. You´re so welcome Virginie,

    Faithy, patience is my middlename!


  4. Tusind tak for den tut. Du får det til at se nemt nok ud til at jeg tør købe udstikkeren (med alle de problemer, som jeg ellers hører at andre har med dem) :)
